PDC - 2nd keynote
Recap from the keynote by Eric Rudder:
- Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF)
It looks like (a large part of) Biztalk is being merged into the main OS. There are different ways to interact with the engine: Email, Sharepoint, Programmatic. After the keynote I attended the Don Box session (COM200) on platform futures. Besides the usual Indigo-bits they also demo-ed Xoml. This is a markup language for creating workflow; changes can be made to the workflow by reconfiguring instead of recompiling. This part of the demo was kind of short; hope to see more in other sessions.
- Sparkle
Creating a good looking UI does not require manually editing Xaml anymore. There is a complete suite of products geared toward designers. Handing of the design to the developer is made very easy: the tools store the work of the designer as Xaml.
- Sharepoint
The demo on Sharepoint was kinda long; although the number of ways to integrate data to and from Office-products is somewhat overwhelming, I stil wonder how hard it would be to get something like this implemented and - even more important - how this could be maintained and managed. What is good news is that every attendee is going to get access to the Office-beta. </UL>
Edit: sparkle ... does not ...